Movie + TV / Analytics / Tracking / Tactics / Strategy


Relish the Holidays!


RelishMix™ DOTS Tracking + Tactics — Wide Movies / Indy Movies / TV Series

15, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 to 1 Week-Out / Impact 1, 2, 3, 4 Weeks After / Splits / Comps / Levels / Insights

12/13/24 Act Adv 4.3/10

12/13/24 Anime 3.5/10

12/13/24 Hist Dram 3.1/10

12/6/24 Com Hor —/10

12/6/24 Horror —/10

11/26/24 Fam Anim —/10

11/22/24 Fant Music —/10

11/22/24 Sct Adv —/10

11/15/24 Act Com —/10

11/8/24 Fam —/10

11/1/24 Drama —/10

10/25/24 Horror —/10

10/25/24 Drama —/10

10/18/24 Horror —/10

10/11/24 Horor —/10

10/11/24 Com-Dram —/10

11/8/24 Horror —/10

10/11/24 Fam Anim —/10


RelishMix™ DOTS Tracking /// 2024 Oscar™ Nominees in RelishMix DOTS Tracking

Note: BTS Dashboards and codes are subject to change

RelishMix: Marketing Tracking, Tactics, Impact, Streaming and Re-release projects