Entertainment Analytics > Tracking / Tactics / Strategy



RelishMix™ Strategy / Tracking / Tactics

RelishMix, a pioneering entity in the realm of entertainment analytics, employs a multifaceted approach to dissect and interpret the intricate landscape of movie, television, and streaming program dynamics across prominent digital and social platforms. Employing cutting-edge analytical methodologies, RelishMix provides invaluable strategic and tactical insights that transcend conventional paradigms, catering specifically to the discerning needs of studios, networks, production companies, as well as individual artists and creators within the business-to-business (B2B) sector.

RelishMix reports:

  • Movies — Tracking levels and optimization tactics that drive box office as streaming windows slide

  • Linear / Streams — Tracking levels and optimization tactics for your shows as they hopscotch to multiple platforms

RelishMix not only gauges the prevailing levels of audience engagement, but also unveils strategies for maximizing impact during crucial phases. By staying attuned to the dynamic landscape of evolving viewer preferences, RelishMix equips its clients with actionable intelligence to navigate the complex run-up to release..

RelishMix™ works with teams at any point in the production cycle

From development, pre-pro, production, post, premiere, syndication to steaming — RelishMix effectively spotlights your strengths and growth opportunities — against your comps — by sub-genre, date or distributor.

RelishMix addresses these questions:

  • How well are you tracking in relation to premiere/air dates?

  • How do you compare next to comps?

  • Where is there room-for-improvement?

  • How well will you open?

  • Where to extend your audience?

Relish is social — the things that you like, follow, view, share and relish — and where that activity flows across social networks is your RelishMix.

See Products + Services /// RelishMix delivers dynamic tracking + tactical insights regarding > Content Optimization / Tracking Intensity Levels / Digital-Social Strategy / Cast Activation / Convo / Comps / Sliding Windows / Brand Health / Reboot Potential

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