Movie + TV / Analytics / Tracking / Tactics / Strategy

About DOTS


RelishMIX Tracking DOTS (Dynamic Online Tracking System) : 

D/O/T/S is a proprietary data driven index that ranks movies and TV shows on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) based on these KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

RelishMix - D/O/T/S Reports (Dynamic Online Tracking System) 

A proprietary tracking system for movies which segments the levels of engagement across the four RelishMIx social media pillars including:

  • Awareness - Social Media Universe (SMU)

  • Activity - Levels of activity by RelishMIx KPIs

  • Cast - Cast activation levels by non-social, social non-activated and fully activated

  • Convo - Conversation analysis

All metrics are indexed by sub-genre benchmarks in relation to the opening date of the film.

S/M/U: Social Media Universe, the gross reach and engagement of a show across major social/digital platforms (FB, TW, YT, IG). Earned and owned assets make-up the SMU including channels for the show, the distributor(s), the cast, fans pages, super-fan pages, influencers, brand partners and assets from previous episodes or seasons. In other words, everything across all major school channels that drive reach and engagement for a show or movie comprise the SMU

Activity: Daily/weekly social activity across major social/digital platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram) specific to usage patterns of the platform. Activity is a compilation of metrics from day to day based on YouTube daily video views, YouTube video reposting EOR (Earned, Owned Ratio of Reposting), daily Facebook likes, Facebook video views and Instagram page growth.

Cast Activation Rate: 

Cast activation is the percentage of all featured cast member that are actively spreading-the-word across social channels (FB, TW, YT, IG). Cast that are social yet not-activated, as well as non-social cast, are grouped together. Cast that do post and share materials over a campaign are considered activated

Hashtags: The volume of hashtags and tags on Twitter spike early from trailer drops and announcements (Comic-con), but in most all cases, begin to build 2 week before opening and certainly spike from red carpet premieres. Given that, hashtags are not a factor in early tracking but hashtags are monitored and measured.

Genre Boost: Given to specific genres in order to normalize for over all tracking compared to movies and show by genre. Boosts are given, based on social patterns. For example, Family film activity builds late for as many young children are not social. A few weeks before an opening, parents begin to engaging with a release and the related social materials.

Genre Boots are given to:

Family +1.0, Faith based +1.0, Horror +1.0