Movie + TV / Analytics / Tracking / Tactics / Strategy

DOTS Rules

RelishMix / DOTS Rules / DOTS Dynamic Online Tracking System:

DOTS Meters are designed to answer these key common questions:

  1. How well is this movie tracking in general?

  2. In relation to comps by sub-genre? Look at the DOTS Score. Above 5.0 is good.

  3. Where is there room for improvement? Look at the 4 sectors: SMU, KPI, Cast and Convo.

  4. How well will this open in relation to outside predictions? Looks the DOTS Projector +/- %


DOTS correlate to box office performance — and fan engagement for movies, TV and streaming.

  • 5 is the median for that genre.

  • Over 5 is above average. Under 5 is below average, for the genre. See charts below.

RelishMix Rules:

  1. There are 4 sectors in the stack, indexed from 1-10, and compared by genre.

  2. Each sector is indexed on a scale of 1-10, in relationship to the sub-genre (comp titles can include any set).

  3. All 4 Sectors are averaged into the overall DOTS Meter score.

  4. Box Office Projector is an Over/Under data % overlay onto box office predictions.

The 4 Social/Digital Sectors:

  1. SMU: (Social Media Universe) Owned and earned materials across Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok — for the studio, network, streamer, show and cast — all combined.

  2. Activity of KPIs: Key Performance Indicators, by RelishMix’s (22) KPIs, indexed from 1-10.

  3. Cast Activation Levels: from non-social, to social non-activated, to activated, score from 1-10.

  4. Convo: Conversation Analysis — Positive, mixed and negative. 5 is mixed.


Compare by Genre - Sectors are indexed 1-10 and compared by the genre and sub-genre.

  • Superhero comped to Superhero. Comedy to Comedy. Horror to Horror, etc.

  • And by Sub-Genre: Action Adventure, Action Comedy, Action Fantasy.

  • Remember, a strong score is strong comped to that genre, not all projects.

  • NOTE: Drill-down insights, stats, comps, segment splits, cast measures, activation detail and convo analysis are in reports by title.

Box Office Projector - Over / Under (you will see examples in the deck)

  • The DOTS Scores are used as a data overlay in the Box Office Projector based on studio predictions.

  • DOTS over 5, usually exceed. Over 8 always exceeds.

  • Under 5 usually underperform. Under 3 always underperform.

  • RelishMix Projector +/- % is used as a data overly on “industry” and studio predictions.


As the DOTS Meter continues to evolve, here’s the next phase RelishMix DOTS Legend

Recent DOTS Tracking Examples: