Movie + TV / Analytics / Tracking / Tactics / Strategy



RelishMix - DOTS Reports (Dynamic Online Tracking System)

DOTS is a proprietary data driven index that ranks movies and TV shows on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) based on these sectors.

A proprietary tracking system for movies which segments the levels of engagement across the four RelishMIx social media pillars including:

  • Awareness - Social Media Universe (SMU)

  • Activity - Levels of activity by RelishMIx KPIs

  • Cast - Cast activation levels by non-social, social non-activated and fully activated

  • Convo - Conversation analysis

All metrics are indexed by sub-genre benchmarks in relation to the opening date of the film or TV show.


  • SMU Social Media Universe, the gross reach and engagement of a show across major social/digital platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok).

  • Earned and owned assets make-up the SMU including channels for the show, the distributor(s), the cast, brand partners and assets specific to a new episode while previous episodes or seasons are analyzed.

  • In other words, everything across all major school channels that drive reach and engagement for a show or movie comprise the SMU.


  • Daily/weekly social activity across major social/digital platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok) specific to usage patterns of the platform.

  • Activity is a compilation of KPI metrics from including YouTube daily video views, YouTube video reposting EOR (Earned, Owned Ratio of Reposting) and much more.

Cast Activation Rate:

  • Cast activation is the percentage of all featured cast member that are actively spreading-the-word across social channels (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok).

  • Cast that are social yet not-activated are factored in, as well as non-social cast.

  • Cast that do post materials over a campaign are considered activated.

  • The relationship of cast to the SMU is also factored into the cast index.

Convo: (out of 10, 1 being most negative, 10 being most positive, 5.0 as ‘Mixed’):

  • Conversation analysis — Index of 1-10 of overall social sentiment.