Movie + TV / Analytics / Tracking / Tactics / Strategy

RelishMix Movies


RelishMix Movies

Every week, RelishMix analyzes the social reach and activity of every domestic wide-release across all major social-media platforms. With years of titles in our database (including Oscar® contenders) and our proven proprietary algorithms — we can compare, contextualize and analyze your projects — with historic comps by genre — in relation to your upcoming release dates.  

We analyze every movie, so we can answer the most critical questions, especially when you need to make vital course-corrections and adjustments in your marketing or franchise growth plans — at any point in the production cycle.

Contact us for a tour of DOTS Rules / Tactical Reports / Comps / Pre-Pro

Movie DOTS Tracking (Dynamic Online Tracking System)

DOTS tells you:

  • How well you are tracking, months before premiere

  • The size of your social media universe (SMU) by platform

  • Which social platform is driving the most engagement (for media buys)

  • Which materials are most notable: owned and earned, by platform (for creative course-correction)

  • How well activated is your cast compared to other films

  • Conversation Analysis: What fans are saying (for targeting)

Tactical Deep-Dive Reports for Movies

Whether you’re a marketer, producer, distributor, exec or social producer — RelishMix tells you:  

  • Where you can build awareness for your current strategy as non-linear windows are added to your distribution schedule

  • Exactly where to make adjustments to improve box-office, tracking, VOD and streams